Welcome To Your Online Treasure Hunt

Let's have some fun!

What's a treasure hunt?

A Treasure Hunt is a puzzle with clues that lead to locations where other clues are found, leading to other locations and eventually to the treasure itself. A Treasure Hunt usually involves teams.

How do I play?

Just follow the instructions below. Your online Treasure Hunt should work in any major browser and on any device that can access the internet. We set a cookie on your browser so we can know it's you. We promise not to use this cookie for anything else. You play this Hunt as a team, even if you are the only one on your team. Only one device can access the Hunt at a time, though, so your team will have to group together.

How do the clues work?

After you have successfully answered a clue you will be directed to the next clue. Feel free to use the resources of the internet to find the answers to the clue. Each clue page allows you to ask for up to three hints. However, each time you ask for a hint you will be forced to wait for ten to sixty seconds. Each clue page will show you how much time has elapsed since you began the game.

When you are ready to begin, please fill out this form so we can keep track of you.

If you change devices or browsers you will have to log in with your email address.

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